Lab News

2017    2016    2015    2014    2013    2012    2011 

11/30/2012 Birds may spread, not halt, ticks carrying the deadly Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever

11/02/2012 Sekercioglu interviewed on Park City Television's Mountain Morning Show

10/29/2012 New paper out: Balancing biodiversity with agriculture: Land sharing mitigates avian malaria prevalence

10/15/2012 Banding birds in the Harenna Forest of the Bale Mts National Park of Ethiopia

10/3/ 2012 New paper out: North American transmission of hemosporidian parasites in the Swainson's Thrush (Catharus ustulatus), a migratory songbird

10/1/2012 Our first satellite-tagged Egyptian vulture went from Eastern Turkey to Ethiopia in only 10 days, two weeks before Sekercioglu will make the same journey.

9/18/2012 Tracking brown bears & wolves, putting on Turkey's first Crittercams, and shooting Turkey's first National Geographic documentary in Kars, Turkey

9/1/2012 New paper out: Mapping Functional Traits: Comparing Abundance and Presence-Absence Estimates at Large Spatial Scales

8/30/2012 We just banded a new bird for Turkey at our Aras bird banding station in Igdir. Shikra is Turkey's 469th bird species

8/17/2012 For the first time in Turkey, we are satellite-tracking globally endangered Egyptian vultures

08/07/2012 Sekercioglu publishes a paper on Bird functional diversity and ecosystem services in tropical forests, agroforests and agricultural areas

08/03/2012 Natural History Museum of Utah's Scientist in the
Spotlight - Conserving birds around the world with Cagan Sekercioglu

08/01/2012 New Ph.D. students  Evan Buechley and Mark Chynoweth join the lab. Welcome to the U!

07/25/2012 Shoshone-Goshute Youth Language Program visits our lab's bird banding station at the Red Butte RNA and Native American students learn about bird ecology and conservation.

07/25/2012 Turkey's National Television (TRT) sends a TV crew to Salt Lake City to film the lab's bird research to be shown on the country's main news channel TRT Haber.

07/12/2012 Sekercioglu is among 84 scientists invited to Istanbul by Turkey's National Science Council for the first meeting of Turkish scientists working abroad.

07/10/2012 Sekercioglu is interviewed by Current Biology for a Turkey biodiversity feature.

06/30/2012 New paper published in The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology entitled Correlates of elevation specialisation in Southeast Asian tropical birds.

05/14/2012 Sekercioglu gave a talk on Turkey's biodiversity at the Turkish Embassy in Washington DC.

05/03/2012 Colleague Prof. Bill Laurance visits our lab and gives an excellent talk on tropical conservation.

04/26/2012 Our colleagues Prof. Josip Kusak and Dr. Dan Wenny visit the Sekercioglu Lab.

04/23/2012 Sekercioglu talks at the National Geographic Society: Turkey's First Wildlife Corridor: Connecting the Anatolian and Caucasus Biodiversity Hotspots.

04/20/2012 Sekercioglu is chosen to give the yearly talk to the Fisheries and Wildlife Graduate Student Association of Virginia Tech University.

03/26/2012 Cagan Sekercioglu is honored as a "Star Turk" by the Assembly of Turkish American Associations.

03/22/2012 Prof. Richard Primack visits the U to give a seminar.

03/20/2012 Our recent papers on the effects of climate change on tropical birds and Turkey's biodiversity are among the most downloaded Biological Conservation articles.

03/05/2012 Our new paper on tropical birds and climate change is on BBC Nature News.

03/04/2012 We are interviewing the first PhD students for the lab. A great and inspiring group.

03/02/2012 Turkey's first wildlife corridor is the lead story on the Christian Science Monitor.

03/01/2012 Our lab's research is the spring 2012 cover story of Continuum, the University of Utah magazine.

02/29/2012 Our wetland ecology and restoration collaborator Prof. Sean Anderson visited us from California State University Channel Islands.

02/28/2012 The Daily Utah Chronicle - Birds serve as a warning of dangers in climate change.

02/24/2012 Our new paper on tropical birds and climate change is in the New York Times.

02/23/2012 Departmental seminar speaker Prof. Rodolfo Dirzo was hosted by the Sekercioglu lab.

02/16/2012 Our new paper on the effects of climate change on tropical birds is out.

02/13/2012 Turkey's First Wildlife Corridor project on National Geographic website.

02/09/2012 Collaborator Prof. Ravinder Sehgal visits the lab.

02/01/2012 New paper on bird dietary guild richness worldwide.

01/26/2012 Collaborator Prof. Peter Raven visits the lab.

01/09/2012 Cagan Sekercioglu is teaching Conservation Biology (Bio 3960) this spring.

01/01/2012 New paper on global paterns of specialization and coexistence in bird assemblages.